Atomic Level Technical Services
Over the past 15 years, our team have been focusing on the development of Gas Cluster Ion Beam Technology (GCIB), an innovative solution to next-generation semiconductor manufacturing. Compared to tranditional equipment, GCIB holds uncomparable advantages in surface planarization, shallow implanatation, and selective etching. In 2025, the world's highest-flux GCIB system would be in operation, creating unfathomable capabilities for the exploration for future technology innvations.
Ultra-Shallow Ion Implantation
Ultra-shallow ion implantation service enables sub-5nm ion implan-tation with a resolution of up to 0.6 nm. This technique allows for precise control over the depth, concentration and distribution of implantation. This technology efficiently enhance the performance of semiconductor devices  and improve their electrical properties. All of these can meet the demands for high performance and density of modern integre-ted circuits.
Selective Etching
The service realizes selective etching of different materials. This  tech-nology can refine the microstructure of different materials and realize maskless imaging.
Non-destructive cleaning
Our non-destructive cleaning utlizes atomic level cluster beam techno-logy. This technology is capable to remove nanoscale particles, natural oxidized layers, metal contamination, organics, and other impurities from the wafers (as larde as 8").
Atomic Level Deposition
Atomic level deposition is an advanced deposition technique that allows for ultra-thin films of a few nanometres to be deposited in a precisely controlled way.It is suitable for various subtrates with different shaps, enjoys excellent 3D conformality, high surface flatness and adhesion. 
Surface Smoothing
Our atomic level surface smoothing technology can smooth the material surface to atomic level, Ra<0.5nm, providing an ideal substrate for later processes.